Four Ways to Make the Switch to Daylight Savings Time Less Miserable
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Americans Report Good Sleep Quantity, not Quality
According to the results from a recent study conducted by The National Sleep Foundation, Americans are getting enough sleep. Yet, the quality of that sleep remains an open question. Respondents to the Study were, on average, getting more than 7 hours of sleep per night. The typical respondent went to bed at around 11 pm and woke up at around 6:30 am. Respondents also admitted to sleeping almost an hour longer on weekends. Over one third of respondents classified their sleep quality as poor, however. About 25 percent of women in the study stated they did feel refreshed when they …
Dr. Bogrow Was Featured Speaker for Heritage Dental Lab
Dr. Bogrow was recently the featured speaker for Heritage Dental Lab for their continuing education program on November 6, 2014. His presentation to a group of dentists was titled. “Wake Up Call…Beyond the cpap. The Emerging Field of Sleep Dentistry in the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea. A Dental Solution to a Medical Problem.” …
Dr. Bogrow to Speak at the “Plant Based Nutrition Support Group”
Dr. Bogrow is scheduled to speak to the “Plant Based Nutrition Support Group”. His presentation is about the importance of “sleep” and the effects of sleep deprivation and Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Sleep is part of the triad of good health together with nutrition and exercise. All is welcome to attend the event on November 18, 2014 at Groves High School at 6:30pm. 20500 West 13 Mile Rd, Beverly Hills 48025 …