Your First Consultation

Do You Have Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a life-threatening disorder that can be difficult to manage, especially if you’re unable to tolerate the most common method of treatment– CPAP. Nearly half or more CPAP users don’t wear their mask for the recommended amount of time each night or completely stop using it altogether because of its inconvenience and bulkiness. If you haven’t been consistently using your CPAP machine, you may be eager to discover CPAP users who haven’t consistently been using your machine, you may be eager to discover an effective, more comfortable treatment that you’ll use every night. Here at Bogrow & Associates Dental Center for Sleep Apnea & Snoring, we use oral appliances that allow patients to sleep through the night without any discomfort, interruptions, or loud noises.

Meeting with Dr. Bogrow

When we meet our patients at their initial consultation, many have already been diagnosed with sleep apnea by their doctor and want another form of treatment that’s less invasive than CPAP. We can provide you with a complimentary sleep assessment that will help better determine your possible condition. We’ll also recommend you to a local certified sleep doctor who can properly diagnose you with sleep apnea before we move forward with treatment. Otherwise, at this appointment, Dr. Bogrow will focus on getting to know you and your condition, listening to any concerns you have with your CPAP so he can find the best alternative for you. He’ll also provide you with an estimate of the overall cost of treatment depending on a variety of factors, as well as which oral appliance we choose for you.

Alternatively, your medical doctor can tell you if you’re a good candidate for a sleep study and will recommend where to obtain one. Upon receiving the results of the sleep study, your doctor will provide a diagnosis. If you are meeting Dr. Bogrow after your Sleep Apnea test is complete, you need to provide the following when scheduling your first consultation:

Results of your recent Sleep Study prescribed by a physician
Letter of medical necessity from a sleep physician

Questions You May Ask

Finding an alternative for your CPAP can be a challenging process, especially because you don’t want to experience failure again with your new treatment. When you meet with Dr. Bogrow, we want to ensure you feel comfortable and confident with the treatment you choose. Be prepared and ask any questions you may be concerned about before moving forward with treatment. Some things you might ask include:

Why are oral appliances preferred over CPAP?
Will your treatment help me feel more energized?
How much will treatment cost?
Will I stop snoring after using an oral appliance?
Will my insurance cover oral appliance therapy?

Getting Started with Effective Treatment

One of the most critical parts of the therapy, to ensure success, is the proper fitting of the appliance, and subsequent follow-up visits for any adjustments. We are as proactive in preventing side effects (such as TMJ issues, movement of teeth, changes in the patient’s bite) as we are in assuring the success of oral appliance therapy.

All adjustments are included for the first year, even if it takes a few visits to get the fit right. We are your committed health partner to ensure the long-term treatment of your condition using your oral sleep appliance!

As part of your first in-person appointment upon accepting treatment, we will also take a recording of your bite so that you can be fitted with a morning repositioner. This is a type of retainer to be worn for a short time in the morning to help minimize any bite changes due to the repositioning of facial muscles that might have created overnight muscle fatigue. It’s also a very important step for the long-term success of the treatment.

After we go over all your options and you choose to move forward with treatment, Dr. Bogrow will take digital impressions of your mouth to obtain a precise model of your teeth, jaw, and bite. He’ll then send over the 3D depictions and model of your mouth to a dental lab that will create your customized oral appliance. Once it’s made, you’ll return to our office to pick up your new appliance so we can ensure it fits comfortably. If the oral appliance fits, you’ll be able to leave our office and begin noticing relief for your sleep apnea symptoms in as little as a few days after persistent use.

We offer an Initial Complimentary Consultation Appointment to our new patients. The objective of your first complimentary appointment is to inform you and help you decide if you would be a good candidate for oral appliance therapy. Please click the Appointment Request button below and include your phone number, to request an your Complimentary Initial Consultation.

There are over a hundred appliances that have been approved by the FDA to treat snoring and sleep apnea, not all of them work equally well for everyone. He is as proactive in preventing unwanted side effects as he is in making sure treatment is successful. By providing diligent post-treatment care, and monitoring your progress after you receive it, we can make necessary adjustments and avoid problems that may occur of which you might not be aware, such TMJ issues, movement of teeth, and bite changes. Dr. Bogrow has narrowed down the use of approximately five different appliances which are adjustable and custom-made and that research studies have shown are most effective.

At Earl K. Bogrow and Associates/Michigan Sleep Apnea Center, Dr. Bogrow’s plan of care includes all aspects of treatment from selecting the appropriate appliance and correctly fitting it to making any necessary adjustments. He and his team are committed to your care through their advanced training and preparation, attention to detail and diligent follow-up care, including direct communication with your sleep physician.

We are centrally located in Southfield, MI which is conveniently close to most of the Detroit suburban communities, including Farmington, Farmington Hills, Birmingham, West Bloomfield ,Berkley, Huntington Woods and Livonia.

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