Limb Movement Assistance

Limb Movement Assistance

There are many options available for obtaining care, and we respect your right to choose the services that meet your unique home care needs. If you are being discharged from a hospital, the Discharge Planner should work with you and your family to understand your individual home care needs based on your condition and expected recovery.
SEC 4321 entitled “NONDISCRIMINATION IN POST-HOSPITAL REFERRAL TO HOME HEALTH AGENCIES AND OTHER ENTITIES” pertains to notification of availability of home health agencies and other entities as part of the discharge planning process. This section is amended to add “Consistent with section 1802, the discharge plan shall not specify or otherwise limit the qualified provider which may provide post-hospital home health services and identify any entity to whom the individual is referred in which the hospital has a disclosable financial interest.”

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    This Guide Can Change Your Life

    There are many options available for obtaining care, and we respect your right to choose the services that meet your unique home care needs. If you are being discharged from a hospital, the Disc


    “Dr. Bogrow and his staff helped me deal with sleep apnea in a painless, non-invasive way without a C-PAP machine. Prior to using the dental appliance, my sleep study measured nine interruptions an hour. After getting used to, and wearing the appliance for over a year, my follow-up sleep study measured just TWO interruptions per hour. I don’t notice these interruptions at all and I am waking up feeling wonderfully well-rested! Dr. Bogrow’s been so kind and very patient with me, because getting the best results requires fine-tuning and patience as the appliance is adjusted. Dr. Bogrow takes time to listen to answer any questions I have. I truly appreciate the service he provides and would recommend this option to anyone with mild sleep apnea, before starting on a CPAP machine. As they say, “There’s nothing like a great night’s sleep!”

    Lisa W.
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